Please provide a description of your company in 50 words or less.
NearSt is a retail technology startup getting more people into local stores by connecting the live inventory of nearby stores to the web –  on platforms like Google, Facebook and Instagram.

Why did you join RSPA?
After taking over the U.K POS market, NearSt has set its eyes on a bigger, much more exciting market – North America. NearSt is excited to bring value and additional revenue streams to all different types of verticals within the RSPA.

What are the core values of your company?
We believe it should be easier to find something from a real store nearby than order for delivery from an online shopping site. We want to make it easier for ISVs and VARs to connect their network to all manner of platforms, without adding additional stresses or strains on already busy software engineers.

What verticals do you serve?
NearSt adds value to Software providers, ISVs and VARs, allowing these companies to stand out amongst the crowd and provide additional value to their network.

What products/services do you provide?
NearSt connects to the stock levels of a retail store via their ERP or POS. This inventory data is fed to platforms like Google & Facebook to create rich product profiles, helping those searching online to choose to shop local.

Name one fun fact that makes your company different from others.
NearSt is based in London, England

What is the most encouraging thing you see for the future of the retail IT industry?
Improving technology is enabling independent retailers to compete with previously insurmountable competitors. Main St can be as convenient of a retail destination as Amazon, and NearSt will help it reach that point.

Connect with us:

The best point of contact is Joshua Burrows.
Phone: 1-628-529-1303

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