What Makes a Great Customer Service Agent

By: Luis Artiz, Chief Strategy Officer at Helpt

A customer service group is the place where a company can build up or tear down their brand.  They are the last line of defense before a customer returns a product with a disheartened view of purchase they made.  This group’s incredibly important role is to take care of the customer and make them happy to keep their product or service.

The most successful customer service agents often share some common habits that enable them to provide exceptional service to customers:

  1. Active listening: They listen intently to customers, paying attention to their concerns and needs without interrupting or making assumptions.
  2. Empathy: They place themselves in the customer’s shoes and showing that they understand and care about their issues.
  3. Patience: They remain calm, even in challenging or frustrating situations, and work to find solutions that meet the customer’s needs.
  4. Positive attitude: They maintain a friendly demeanor, even when dealing with difficult or unhappy customers, and strive to create a positive customer experience.
  5. Attention to detail: They pay close attention to each customer interaction, making sure that they have all the necessary information to address the customer’s issue.
  6. Knowledge: They have a deep understanding of the company’s products and services, policies, technologies, and procedures, enabling them to provide accurate and helpful information to customers.
  7. Problem-solving skills: They are skilled at identifying and solving issues quickly and effectively, often using creative solutions to address complex or unique customer issues.
  8. Communication skills: They interact clearly and effectively, using language and tone that is appropriate to the customer’s needs and level of understanding.

Through a great service agent, the customer will feel like they have strengthened their relationship and bond with the company.  The customer knows that the company spent the time and energy to ensure that the problem with the product or service was solved.  That knowledge will lead to strong referrals and repeat purchase.