In Episode 66 of “The Trusted Advisor,” the RSPA’s Jim Roddy sits down with Mark Fraker, CTO of RSPA distributor member BlueStar, to explore VAR opportunities with electric vehicle charging stations. Roddy and Fraker discuss the technologies, target market, and reseller recurring revenue opportunities related to EVCSaaS – Electric Vehicle Charging Stations-as-a-Service.
“The Trusted Advisor,” powered by the Retail Solutions Providers Association (RSPA), is an award-winning content series designed specifically for retail IT resellers and software developers. Our goal is to educate you on the topics of leadership, management, hiring, sales, and other small business best practices. For more insights, visit the RSPA blog at
Registration is now open for RetailNOW 2022, the retail technology channel’s #1 trade show, education conference, and networking event! Join RSPA and retail IT channel leaders live and in-person July 24-26 at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Orlando. RetailNOW will have everything you’ve come to expect from the RSPA – plus several new features including Niche & Startup Alley in the expo hall, the first-ever ISV Community Networking Reception, six education tracks (Executive Education, Security & Legal, NextGen Technology, Sales & Customer Service, Cannabis, plus a new ISV Education Track), and more. If you’re serious about the retail IT channel, you have to attend RetailNOW 2022. It’s Where the Industry Meets!
Watch Episode 66 now:
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